Our Commitment To Your Privacy
At Taz Aroma.com, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our customers, therefore, we do not sell, rent, or loan any personal identifiable information regarding our customers to any third party.

In order to process your order efficiently, we collect the following information: Name, Billing address, Shipping address, E-mail address, Phone number, and Credit card number when you place an order with us. This information is used solely by TAZ AROMA.COM and is stored in a secure environment with 128-bit encryption.

At TAZ AROMA.COM we collect “personal information” only for the purposes of fulfilling orders, providing a high level of customer service, and gaining knowledge internally regarding what our customers want. We do not give or sell personal information to any other party.

Mailing Address:

Taz Aroma Inc. 1165 Broadway Bet. 31st & 32nd St. New York, NY 10001 Tel: 718-673-9001,646-203-6476, 347-792-4900 Fax: 212-683-2100 Email: tazaroma96@aol.com www.tazaroma.com